Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome Spring!

I know spring started over the weekend, but here in Mississippi, Sunday definitely wasn't spring like! It was snowing & sleeting all day, and the high was 37! Saturday the high was in the 60s! This week has been a lot nicer. We have had some pretty days within the last several weeks though & we took advantage of it! I got the house cleaned one Saturday & the next day we were outside most all day! Natalee got a wagon for her birthday & since it's been too cold, too wet or just plain yucky outside, we have been unable to let her ride in it. We finally did & she loves it! Who wouldn't want to relax & let someone else pull you around everywhere you need to go?? Since mom only live about 1/2 mile down the road (if that...we can see her house through the woods, especially since they cleared trees), we put Natalee in her wagon & went walking. The dog followed. She enjoyed it & didn't want to get out when we got to her house. I hope this coming weekend will be pretty so we can take her to the park for the first time. I know she enjoys swinging because they take her outside at daycare & they have a baby swing on the tree out front (it's a in home daycare & her house is off the road). Debbie & Katie Lauren walked over to the house one day & pulled her around for a while. Mamaw & Papaw Mitchell came over one Saturday afternoon & played outside with her & ate supper for Papaw's birthday. Natalee just LOVES to be outside.

Dustin of course is playing baseball again. We have been to several games this year. They are a good team, however, there are a couple of things they still need to work on, to get better at. Natalee would rather run around instead of sit & watch Uncle Dustin. Last week, she got her first ring pop. She loves suckers as it is & we thought it would be better on the ring instead of the stick. Needless to say...I think the Easter Bunny will be bringing her some.

Speaking of the Easter Bunny, I sure am ready for him to come! This year will be lots of fun! I hope Natalee will get lots of goodies and lots of fun stuff!
Natalee also got her first "dog bite" a couple of weeks ago. Scooter didn't actually "bite" her, he just snapped at her, but he did leave a slight mark. I think it scared her more than hurt her. She cried for a minute but was over it rather quickly. Sunday, she also got her first scratch from the dog. Remy, or Memy as Natalee calls him, put his paw up to play with her & accidentally scratched the side of her face. Neither one really seemed to phase her very much. Well til next time...have a great day!

Conratulations Ali & Chase

One of my sister's best friends, Ali, & our cousin, Chase, were married on Saturday, March 13. My mom, granny, Debbie, Katie Lauren & I did the food for the reception, so needless to say, we didn't make it to the wedding. However, we heard it was gorgeous! The reception hall was decorated very nicely & the favors were too cute! Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Williams & welcome to the family, Ali! We love you guys! Here are a couple pics from the wedding reception!

The gorgeous centerpiece!

The favor table

Close up of the favors

The fruit display by my mom

Brandi, Ali, & Jessica

Mr. & Mrs. Chase Williams!

Wordless Wednesday


Okay here are the pics I said I would post. I know I'm bad about not blogging, but here lately, there really hasn't been anything "blogworthy" going on in our lives. I did finally get the pics uploaded, so here you go! Enjoy!

These first ones are from the rodeo we went to for Valentine's Day.

She loved the animals!

This was one HUGE bull! I would hate to meet him in a pasture!

CHRIS YOUNG!!!! He was awesome!

Next are a few pics of the little snow we did get the 3 times it snowed within a week.

The pond in front of our house. It was froze to about an inch or so thick.