Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What's New

I know I really haven't been updating the way I should. I did finally get caught up with all the events & holidays that have been going on, but I thought I would give you a review of what's been going on with Natalee, especially since I'm trying to use this as a scrapbook too.

She is still not eating the way she should. She will not eat vegetables. She will not eat any meat, except chicken nuggets, hot dogs, bacon & sausage. She will eat spaghetti or fish on occasion, but very rarely. She used to LOVE hamburgers and will not touch one now. She likes junk food, but I rarely give her junk food, because I know she NEEDS to LEARN to eat other foods. She will eat yogurt, apples, bananas, & grapes, so I know she is getting SOME nutrition. She used to eat strawberries & now refuses to even touch one! I know some of you are probably thinking...well quit fixing her that stuff & she won't eat it, but see that's the thing. I don't fix her anything special. The only time I fix her something different is if I know it's something spicy or something I just know for a fact she does not like, then I may fix her a grilled cheese or hot dog, but that's a rare occasion. If we go to someone else's house to eat (any of the grandparents, aunts, or anyone like that) I will not let them fix her something special either. I will fix her a plate of whatever is cooked and set it in front of her. She will eat the bread (roll, cornbread or toast) off of her plate & gets angry if her fork/spoon has touch something else. For example, the other night we had fried round steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, black eyed peas & garlic toast. She got mad and said her fork was dirty because it touched the potatoes. She ate about 2 bites off the toast & said she doesn't like it, which I know is a lie, because she eats it all the time. I did start buying the fruitables drinks & she seems to like the apple carrot ones so at least she is getting some veggies in some form. I just don't know what to do anymore! If any of you have any suggestions, please feel free to share!

Natalee is trying to potty train. Every afternoon for the past week or two, she has put her big girl panties on when we get home. She had a few accidents the first day and only one or two since then. She is trying to learn but she will not tell me when she has to go. I have to ask her & she always says no, then I tell her to go try & as soon as she sits down, she does her business. I'm not sure if she just doesn't know yet what it feels like when she has to go or just doesn't want to. However, she is the one that asked to wear her big girl panties so I'm not pushing it. She will be trained when she is ready.

Natalee can say her ABC's, count to 12 in English and to 10 in Spanish. She knows her colors & shapes. She knows all of her animals & what each says. She can sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" & "Jesus Loves Me" word for word. She loves to sing "Old McDonald" too. Natalee knows her bedtime prayer word for word except for one line, but we are working on it. She has a Dora sleepover book downloaded on my nook & she can read it almost word for word. I'm not sure if she has memorized what's on each page or if she just "think" she knows what it says, because I know she can't actually read!

She loves to brush her teeth & take a bath. She loves to be outside. She loves her dog, Belle. She loves to swing & slide. She loves to go around naked. There are many things Natalee loves to do. Her favorite song is "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus, her favorite store is "Dirt Cheap" and her favorite thing to do is play ball. Every night at bedtime, we have to watch "Cars" or "Despicable Me". She loves those two movies!

Speaking of bedtime, Natalee has actually been sleeping in her big girl bed. We had a toddler bed set up in her room & she refused to sleep in it. If she fell asleep in the living room or in our bed, as soon as her bed hit the pillow on her bed, she was wide awake & cranky. Well, a few months ago, we decided to set up a full size bed. Terry got it set up while I was at work and when I got home, we headed out to Grenada. We went to Wal-Mart & we let Natalee pick out her own bedding. She picked out a very cute pink set with flowers. We got her the comforter, sheets, & curtains, along with two new pillows. Now, every night, Terry or I will go in there & lay down with her, put a movie on the TV & usually within 15/20 minutes, she is out! If she gets up, it's usually around 3, then she will come get in the bed with us, but about 80% of the time, she sleeps all night!

This past Sunday, June 26, we were getting ready for church. Granny didn't have a vehicle at the time, so Natalee & I were taking her to Calvary for their homecoming. I was in the kitchen making Natalee some strawberry milk and Terry was sitting on the couch. All of a sudden, Natalee started SCREAMING. I have never heard this child scream as loud as she was. I ran in there to see what happened & her eye was already swelling up & bruising! She had tripped & fallen on our fireplace! Luckily, we don't have square bricks or it would have probably been worse than it was. Needless to say, she has her first black eye. The swelling has gone down, but the bruise looks like it is getting bigger. She cried for a good 30 minutes or so but was fine after that. I gave her some Ibuprofen & we went on our merry way. She has been doing fine ever since & it hasn't seemed to bother her so I think all is good!

I'll leave you with some pictures from the last couple of weeks!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Father's Day!

Hope you all had a great father's day! Terry got off work that morning but didn't make it home until about 10:15 so we didn't make it to West Point for church. We did go to my usual church around the corner from the house. After church, we did absolutely nothing! Terry needed a nap so he got in the bed & Natalee & I got on the couch. Needless to say, she didn't take a nap. We went to mom's for supper, as we usually do on Sundays. Brandi cooked pork loin, green beans, black eyed peas, mashed potatoes, homemade gravy, bread & I made corn casserole. The Tackett's were there that night, and after supper, we decided to play a good ole game of wiffle ball! It was so much fun! It was the guys vs the girls, which really wasn't fair since they had 5 grown guys & we had 3 grown women & a 10 year old! Needless to say, we lost, but it was all in good fun!

Brandi @ bat

Natalee had to bat too...

...and had to run the bases

Callaway tried to slide into was hilarious!

That Tuesday night, we went to celebrate with the Mitchell's. Mrs. Delma cooked a roast, corn, fresh new potatoes & fresh fried squash. It was all delish! Natalee had a great time playing with Papaw & Mamaw Mitchell! She loves going over there! She helped plant some sunflower, pumpkin & moonflower seeds. She also made a mess with all of her toys in the living room. It had rained earlier that day & had gotten kind of chilly outside, so she was upset she couldn't play outside, but she still enjoyed herself. Aunt Verita, Uncle Allen & Aunt Thelma came over for a few to visit & see Natalee. Before we left, Natalee took a bubble bath & put her pjs on. You will never guess what was on the pjs she just HAD to wear.....Santa Clause. Yeah, in June! Yep, my child is special!

The next day, Wednesday, daddy & Irene came over to the house to celebrate. We have so many families to celebrate with, we have to spread it out over a week! Anyways, they played & played! Natalee & Paw-Paw played in her room & drug out all of her toys, as usual. She loves when people come over to play. She has to show them all of her toys (as if they haven't seen them before) and make sure they play with them all! She loves seeing her Meme & Paw-Paw too!

I didn't get any pics with the other papaws or one of Natalee & Terry. I know I need to do better about pics!

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Busy Weekend!

Saturday, June 11, Natalee & I had a baby shower & a birthday party to go to. My cousin Ashlee will be welcoming her baby boy within the next couple of weeks. She is due on July 9, but he looks like he is ready to come any minute! She got a lot of nice things from her guests. Natalee met her a little boyfriend. Ross is a cute little redhead that's a year old. He is adorable! He was sharing his toys with Natalee & they were having fun playing. I really hated to make her leave but we still had to go to Kilmicheal.

Terry's cousin's little girl turned 5. Lauren had a great party. They had a blow up jump house that Natalee LOVED! She did not want to get out, but we had to make her go inside to cool off a couple of times. Lauren got lots of nice gifts! It was great seeing off of the cousins & aunts & uncles. We really need to have more family get togethers. Within 5 minutes of leaving, Natalee fell asleep & slept for about 2 hours. She was worn out from all the partying that day. We finished the day with a fish fry at Debbie's.

Bouncing with Uncle Robert

Bouncing with Papaw

Sunday, we were invited to The Tackett's to swim. We got there around 12:30 & we had so much fun. We swam. We cooked burgers & hotdogs. We swam some more. Natalee doesn't like the swimming pool. She loves to take a bath, but hates to swim. I think it's because she can't touch the bottom of the pool. We are working on that though. I'm trying to get her used to it & trying to teach her to jump in. We got a ways to go though. Hopefully she will be over it by vacation time!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Memorial Weekend

Friday night, we had a weenie roast at Deadra's. She has a new outdoor fireplace & wanted everyone to come over & enjoy it. We roasted weenies & marshmallows. Natalee & Madison had a blast! The "grown-ups" played a game of kick ball. It was so much fun! We will definitely be doing that at more get togethers!

Saturday, Natalee went with BB, Carol & Madison to town. They shopped for a little bit then came home & took naps. When Natalee woke up, we took her to Deadra's to play in the pool with Madison. They loved playing in the water. We bought Natalee a sprinkler that looks like a beach ball. We took that over there to play with, and at first, they were kind of scared of it. They finally got used to it & loved rolling it around & bouncing it in the air. They had quit playing with it for a few minutes so we turned the water off. After a few minutes, Madison went to it to play again & as soon as she got to it, we turned the water on. It was hilarious to watch her laugh about it. She thought it was so funny. Terry & I left Natalee with mom & Callaway & we went to Josh's house in Winona to watch the UFC fight.

Sunday, Terry helped Chuck & Amber finish moving & Natalee & I went to moms to play with Madison. It was just a fun filled day that ended with grilled chicken!

Monday, well I don't exactly remember what we did Monday, but I'm sure it was something fun! We finished the weekend off with a cookout of burgers, hotdogs, & the works! Hope you all had a very Happy Memorial Day!!

Here are some pics from Saturday! Enjoy!

Natalee & Madison trying to splash Terry

Playing with the sprinkler

Getting their tan on

I LOVE this picture!

These two absolutely love each other! It's great having cousins the same age!

Welcome Baby Brodie!

Morgan had her little boy on Saturday, May 21. Brodie Layne Alford was born about 7:00 weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz. & was 20 inches long. He is such a sweetie! We got to meet him over Memorial Day weekend & he is adorable. Natalee loves "cousin Bodie". Congratulations Morgan!

Class of 2011

Well he did it. Dustin finally graduated high school. It was just 11 years ago I was in his shoes. Mother's day was baccalaureate services. They did a short ceremony since it was so stinking hot. Monday, May 16 was graduation. I am so proud of my little brother! Now he is getting ready to go to college next month. He is going to a local university on a baseball scholarship, where he will be the manager for the baseball team. Congratulations Class of 2011!

Uncle Dustin & Natalee

walking across the stage to get his diploma

Me, Dustin, Natalee & Terry

Dustin & Rachael

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mother's Day

Hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day! I know I certainly did! Terry got off work that morning & we loaded up & went to Stewart. We went to church with The Mitchell's. On the way to church, Terry gave me my gift. I got this:

I LOVE it!! The first book I bought was The Help. Ok, wasn't The was Dora! But The Help was the first one I bought me!

After church, we stopped in Eupora for lunch. We ate at some mom & pop restaurant that we had a very bad experience at! We vowed to never eat there again! Three of us ordered hamburger steak. All three were burnt black! One asked for no gravy...we all got gravy! I got Natalee a grilled cheese & fries. You would have thought they would have brought that out first....nope! It was the last thing to come out! Anywho, we headed back to Stewart to visit for a few minutes.

We finally headed back to Carrollton. Dustin had baccalaureate that afternoon. It lasted about an hour, then we all headed back to mom's for supper. She cooked the best pork chops ever!

We gave mom a hibiscus tree, Irene a rose bush & Delma a monogrammed make up bag. They all seemed to have loved their gifts! Happy Mother's Day to each of you! We love you!

Sorry...don't have any pics to share! I didn't get a pic of me & Natalee this year.