Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Friday night, Terry, mom, Dustin, Rachael & I took Natalee to the pumpkin patch. Actually, it is Bull Bottom Farms & it's so much more than a pumpkin patch! We got there around 7:30 and only stayed about an hour cause it was so cold. We went through the "animal farm", which consisted of a pony, several huge white rabbits & a few goats. She loved the animals. She attempted the hay maze, but got "scared", so Uncle Dustin helped her through it. They had a "corn box" with a slide. It's just like a sand box but filled with corn kernels. Yeah, she wasn't big on that either! I know, my child can be weird! Of course it was dark & we forgot a flashlight, but we went through the corn maze anyways! We got a little lost a couple of times, but we finally made it out! After the corn maze, the hay ride was headed out to the pumpkin patch, so we hopped on! It was a fun, long ride. Natalee sat on the hay between me & Terry & kept saying "I'm sitting here like a big girl, all by myself!" She is so silly! When we got to the pumpkin patch, we walked around for a few minutes trying to find the "right" pumpkin. Natalee picked up two small pumpkins (gourds) & we finally found a huge pumpkin that was perfect! When we got back to the main area, we headed to the Magic Carpet Slide or as Natalee called it the "super slide". It was huge! You get on a piece of carpet & ride down this drop off then it's pretty much going down a slope. Dustin & Rachael did it & said it was "super fun". Natalee was crying & didn't want to do it, but it was a long way up so Terry put her in his lap & they went down. She cried the whole time but was fine when they stopped. She said she didn't like it either! Natalee said the only thing she liked was the hay ride & the pumpkin patch. I think if we would have gone when it was still daylight out, she would have enjoyed more, but that's the lesson you learn for trying to go on a Friday night when you know it won't be too crowded! We will have to go back before they close for the season though during daylight, if not, no biggie, we always have next year!

Since it was dark, I didn't take my camera, but mom did. We really didn't get very many pics, but did manage to get a few. When I get them from her, I will upload! Hope everyone has a great week & Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Exciting News!!

Some of you may have seen this on FB, but for those who don't have FB I just wanted to share some exciting news in our life.

Yep, you read it right! Natalee is going to be a big sister! I was trying to wait til the first trimester was over, but I can't! I'm 11 weeks, yesterday. Natalee seems to be really excited! Hope everyone has a great week!