Monday, May 11, 2009

A Weekend of Firsts!

It's been a while so I thought I would update you on what all has happened over the past week. Thursday night I showed Natalee how to hold her bottle. She has done it ever since & doesn't seem to mind it. Sometimes she does still get lazy & won't do it, but that's ok...mommy will hold her bottle anytime she wants her to! She also tried green beans for the first time Thursday night...she does not like them by the way! But she does like the sweet potatoes! I also did something I thought I wouldn't be able to do for a very long time & it was still very hard to do and that was let Natalee stay away from home for the first time Thursday! She stayed with Aunt BB (my sister) which is only about 5 seconds down the road, but I was still worried about her all night! I know she was in good hands, but it was still hard & it will still be a while before she does it again! Saturday, I gave her a sippy cup for the first time with juice. She took to it ok but she's not that interested in it right now. But she loves her juice!! And the most important first was my first Mother's Day!!!! (I'll tell you about that in another post.)

1 comment:

Brandy@YDK said...

oh my so many new things! that's awesome. Grayson's too lazy to hold his bottle. we'll hold my hand though. and you are way braver than me with the staying away from home.