Sunday, July 12, 2009

Whew, What a Weekend!

This has been a crazy, lazy weekend! Friday night, Terry & I went to Starkville for a "Date Night". We ate at Applebee's then went to see Transformers 2. Natalee stayed at the Mitchell's. They had so much fun watching her play & laugh! We spent the night with them when we got back cause it was so late. Saturday morning we got up & ate breakfast. We left there around 10 cause we had a lot of stuff to do around the house...needless to say we didn't get any of it done! Instead, we dressed Natalee in her swimsuit & got out her little pool. She had so much fun!! She loves water!

Today we got up, went to church & we are finally doing some housework! Here is a pic of Natalee in her new dress Aunt BB bought her!

Now for the good news!! Natalee can finally sit up on her own for a long period of time & she loves to play that way. She has also said her first word! Betcha can't guess what it was? DaDa of course! Terry is just "tickled pink"! And the best part...Natalee has a tooth, actually TWO teeth. I noticed one coming through Thursday night. It has barely broken the skin but it's there! Well it has come up more since then. A few minutes ago, I was feeling around & the one right beside it has broken through too!! I was going to upload a video of Natalee jumping in her jumperoo, but it won't upload. I'll try to get it to soon.

1 comment:

Brandy@YDK said...

yay for milestones. cute dress and swimsuit