Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just an FYI

We have been paci free since about 6:00 last Friday!!! It was not planned to take her off the paci this early, I was actually planning to start when Natalee was 18 months old. She stayed with mom & Aunt BB Friday night & she never wanted it, so I decided we could give it a try. She has done so good without it! She hasn't even mentioned it! I was kind of scared about daycare though since one little boy still takes one, but Mrs. King said she hasn't even bothered his. She said Natalee cried at nap time for a few minutes cause she couldn't find it, but she went right to sleep. Another "milestone" hit!


Brandy@YDK said...

that's so awesome. G's daycare is trying not give it to him. but at home he wants one all the time

Brandy@YDK said...

hey girly you won my giveaway - contact me!